London’s Old Vic Has Sold 30,000 Live Streaming Theatre Tickets … And Counting

It’s not an archive; it’s not live in a parking lot. It’s live and socially distanced and streamed. Those 30,000 tickets have sold to people in 73 countries. But it’s not perfect, especially for the directors and performers. “There’s no immediate response, no sense of connection, nor is there an opportunity to go out and have a drink or something to eat. Everybody just goes home, individually. It emphasizes the isolation and the loneliness and the grimness of this whole thing.” – The New York Times

In Rural Nepal, Traveling Theatre Group Helps Villagers Challenge Child Marriage And Domestic Violence

Visiting isolated villages where many people have never seen a play before, the Nepali troupe called Shilpee does forum theatre, where a script is performed twice; the second time, audience members can stop the action and suggest or act out a different solution to the situation onstage. Says director Ghimire Yubaraj, “It would be easy to be judgmental and disregard the audience members as poor or uneducated, but their ideas can be brilliant.” – The Guardian

Australian Universities Are Axing Their Theatre Programs

“Among the wide staff and course cuts prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic, multiple theatre and performance degrees” — among them the Centre for Theatre and Performance at Monash University in Melbourne, considered by many to be the best in the country — “have been closed or suspended indefinitely in recent months. … The peak body of arts educators has warned that this could wipe out future generations of Australian entertainers and disproportionately affect regional students.” – The Guardian

Pandemic Has Turned American Theatre’s Ecosystem Upside-Down, And That Might Be A Good Thing

“COVID-19 is the great disruptor, forcing long overdue introspection and reinvention. … Theatres with lovely large venues, lots of seats, and the wherewithal to attract large numbers of people to pay large amounts of money to view virtuosic work may now be at the bottom of the theatrical food chain. Meanwhile, nimble, itinerant companies that don’t rely on ticket sales for viability may surface as the new sages.” – HowlRound

What “The Normal Heart’ Meant To Those Living Through The Height Of The AIDS Crisis

“[Larry] Kramer’s portrait of what a generation of gay men suffered renders America akin to a warzone, where the corpses of victims are refused death certificates and left to collect dust in oversized refuse bags, and funerals become so frequent as to be social events. … The Normal Heart is a primal howl from the frontline, with all of its mud and viscera, expressive of the fact that when your friends are dying all around you, you have no choice but to act urgently.” – BBC

The Playwright Who Is So Ready For Her Trump/Comey Play To Be Irrelevant

Anne Washburn thought Shipwreck, which she wrote in 2017, wouldn’t be relevant for long. Sadly, that hasn’t been the case; the themes of the Trump administration have been shockingly consistent. But she’s ready never to have to think about the play again. “If Trump is not president in January, I think we won’t want to think about him again for a long time.” – The New York Times

Heidi Schreck, Playwright Of ‘What The Constitution Means To Me,’ Interviews One Of Its Inspirations, Norman Lear

Schreck met Lear backstage at an oratory contest when she was 15, and he had just given a speech called “The Constitution and Me.” Lear, who’s 98: “It’s hard to believe, as we talk now, that people aren’t gathering to go to the theater. That we’re living in a time where all of that is out of our lives for the time being. It hurts me.” – Los Angeles Times