Missing Top Half Of Courbet’s Origin Of The World Found, Claims Collector

“Art expert Jean-Jacques Fernier, who has studied the works of Gustave Courbet for years, told Reuters he believed an unsigned painting of a woman’s head, featured in this week’s Paris Match magazine, had been cut off” of the painting, notorious for 147 years for its portrayal of a nude female model with legs splayed.

Health Troubles Cause Trisha Brown To Leave Her Dance Company

“Ms. Brown, 76, had a series of mini-strokes in the past several years, although she was choreographing as recently as the fall of 2011 and was active at the company until last summer … But she has had increased difficulty communicating recently and is relinquishing the title of artistic director of the company that bears her name.”

Not All Of Timbuktu’s Ancient Manuscripts Were Burned, It Seems

Researcher Jean-Michel Dijan: “The great majority of the manuscripts, about fifty thousand, are actually housed in the thirty-two family libraries of the ‘City of 333 Saints.’ Those are to this day protected.” Many other documents (though not all) may have been hidden by the families who originally possessed them before the rebels arrived.