Could Amazon Do To The Rest Of Brick-And-Mortar Retail What It Did To Book And Music Stores?

“Same-day delivery has long been the holy grail of Internet retailers, something that dozens of startups have tried and failed to accomplish. (Remember But Amazon is investing billions to make next-day delivery standard, and same-day delivery an option for lots of customers. If it can pull that off, the company will permanently alter how we shop. To put it more bluntly: Physical retailers will be hosed.”

The Louvre Opens Its First Satellite Museum

“Strictly speaking, overcrowding is not the reason why the Louvre is building a $200 million facility in the Pas-de-Calais region of France. It has more to do with the accessibility of the town of Lens – which can be reached by train in two to three hours from Paris, London and Brussels – and a deep need for urban renewal in an old coal industry center that lost its last mine in 1986, pushing unemployment to 15 percent.”

Barnes Foundation’s Ex-CEO Claims Organization Was Never ‘Bankrupt’ (Strictly Speaking)

Kimberly Camp, who is writing a book on the museum’s controversial move, posted on her blog, “Bankruptcy was not the reason we filed the petition to move the Foundation to the city. At the time the petition was filed, the Barnes Foundation had a cash surplus and we had no debt – none. But, saying so made the rescue so much more gallant.”