Will The Last Film Critic Out Please Turn Off The Village Voice? A Q&A With J. Hoberman

“At The Voice it was possible to believe that intellectual work was a form of real and effective political activism and that resistance to the machine (Hollywood included) was not only possible, but also necessary. For Voice writers, a movie was never only a movie: it was a way of seeing, living in, understanding and, yes, even changing the world.”

US Supreme Court Says Putting Work Back Into Copyright Is OK

“Lawrence Golan had argued that taking works back out of the public domain would hinder creativity by making artists more cautious about remixing or otherwise using works, fearing their status could change in the future in a way that required payment to copyright holders. More broadly, academics have expressed concern that upholding the 1994 law would make it much more difficult to write books or assemble course readings without having to deal with a host of legal hurdles–or just prohibitively expensive fees–to avoid violating copyrights.”

Gustav Leonhardt, Giant Of Baroque Music Revival, Dead At 83

“Throughout the second half of the 20th century, Gustav Leonhardt … was a pioneer and pillar of the early music movement. As a harpsichordist, organist, scholar, conductor and teacher, he was a major figure, exercising very considerable influence on his contemporaries and juniors, and in particular making the Netherlands a focal centre for the performance of Baroque music.”

Patron X, Of The Infamous Cell Phone Ring, Seriously Regrets The Error

“Patron X said he had no idea he was the culprit. He said his company replaced his BlackBerry with an iPhone the day before the concert. He said he made sure to turn it off before the concert, not realizing that the alarm clock had accidentally been set and would sound even if the phone was in silent mode. ‘I didn’t even know phones came with alarms,’ the man said.”