World’s Largest Treehouse Burns Up In 15 Minutes

That would be why the fire department in Cumberland County, Tennessee ordered it closed seven years ago. Horace Burgess, a landscape architect and ordained minister, began building the 97-foot-tall structure around a large white oak in 1992, after, he says, God showed him the design in a vision, and he spent the next 12 years constructing it across the oak and well over a dozen adjacent trees. – The New York Times

NY Is Trying To Diversify Its Monuments. Not So Easy, It Turns Out

Under Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife, Chirlane McCray, the city is aiming to build monuments at an unusually rapid rate to honor women, people of color and others previously overlooked. But the effort has become far more contentious than expected, as a diverse, vocal and highly opinionated city fights over the legacy it should leave in bronze and stone. – The New York Times

Expanding MoMA, Expanding Art

James Russell: “MoMA has long built its origin story of Euro-American Modernism around its great holdings, but that story no longer consists of a single, mainly male, heroic narrative. Instead, the visitor discovers many stories braided together that now include many riveting works by women and people of color. These choices better recognize modernism (small m) as a global cultural and social force that at its best is democratizing and inclusive.” – CityLab

Jerry Saltz And Justin Davidson Debate The New MoMA

“The great news is that along with the rest of us, Diller Scofidio + Renfro were finally beaten down by the reality of just how messed-up and cramped the billion-dollar Taniguchi building was. They fixed some of the problems and tacked on a few fun extras, and added about five Gagosians’ worth of space. But it still amazes me that the suits who make the museum’s real-estate deals sold MoMA short again.” – New York Magazine