Now: Point Your Phone At Any Art And Find Out What It Is

Magnus is part of a wave of smartphone apps trying to catalog the physical world as a way of providing instantaneous information about songs or clothes or plants or paintings. First came Shazam, an app that allows users to record a few seconds of a song and instantly identifies it. Shazam’s wild success — it boasts more than a billion downloads and 20 million uses daily, and was purchased by Apple for a reported $400 million last year — has spawned endless imitations. There is Shazam for plants or Shazam for clothes and now, Shazam, for art. – The New York Times

Art Institute Of Chicago Plans Major Long-Term Makeover Of Its Campus

“For its first North American commission, the prize-winning firm Barozzi/Veiga … has begun formulating ideas aimed at making an inward-looking museum rooted in the 20th century more extroverted and modern via methods that could include adding new buildings, reconfiguring existing ones and rethinking the presentation of art within them.” – Chicago Tribune

Italy Might Keep Its Foreign-Born Museum Directors After All

“Now that a new coalition government has been formed, sidelining the right-wing nationalist League, Dario Franceschini, the center-left politician who was behind the hiring foreign experts in the first place, is back as culture minister—which means the museum directors might be able to keep their jobs after all. And with Franceschini back, the directors of Italy’s state museum may not lose the autonomy that allowed them to modernize as they saw fit, another reform that the previous culture minister had tried to reverse.” – artnet

The Agreed-Upon Definition Of Museum Will Not Be Changed — For Now

Following “profound and healthy debate” at its Extraordinary General Assembly, the International Council of Museums postponed indefinitely a vote on whether to adopt a new definition of museums as “democratizing, inclusive and polyphonic spaces for critical dialogue about the pasts and the futures … aiming to contribute to human dignity and social justice, global equality and planetary wellbeing.” – Time