DC Mayor Locks City’s Arts Commission Out Of Its Storage Vault

In an escalation of what has reportedly been a long feud, staffers of the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities “arrived at their offices in Southeast before the holiday weekend to find that the badges that grant them access to the agency’s art collection no longer worked.” The locks had been changed on the order of the office of Mayor Muriel Bowser, and access was not restored until the middle of the following week. – Washington City Paper

Judy Chicago Reclaims Her Place In Art

“I was being erased from the history of Southern California art and it really upset me,” says the artist (who now lives in New Mexico). But the launch of the Pacific Standard Time series of exhibitions in 2011 helped resurface some of her early work. “It began the process of my larger body of work emerging from the shadow of ‘The Dinner Party.’” – Los Angeles Times

Is Instagram Ruining Architecture?

Sometimes, but not always, because Instagram is filled with artists and designers. One architect recalls something she learned in the early days of the app. “‘You came, you saw, you stood there, you took your picture. … That was my first realization how status can be brought through a photograph.’ It is like bagging a seven-point Instagram buck.” – The New York Times

The Muslim Woman Who Photographed The Last Synagogue In This British Town

In Bradford, “a city that became home to so many German Jews in the 19th century that the warehouse district they created is still called Little Germany,” the 2011 census showed fewer than 300 Jewish residents left. The photographer is a single mother who can’t afford her own camera, but her documents of the final synagogue, which has an unusual Moorish style, are going up as an exhibit. “‘There are fewer and fewer Jewish people left,’ she says. ‘It’s this declining population and disappearing culture that I wanted to document.'” – The Guardian (UK)

Update On The Progress Of The Boy Thrown From The 10th Floor Of The Tate Modern

Though the 6-year-old French boy still can’t speak or move a month after the trauma, he’s responding to his family by smiling and possibly, they say, laughing. “The family has raised more than $83,000 so far to help his recuperation. He was visiting London with his family and was on the museum’s 10th-floor viewing platform when he was thrown off, falling around 100 feet and landing on a fifth-floor roof.” – The New York Times

You Probably Didn’t Know Cheetos Had A Fashion Show

But … they do. The theme: Flamin’ Haute. Why, though? “To be a brand in 2019 isn’t to be just a brand. Everything, our individual selves included, is now so online. Brands must be personas, asserting themselves on every social media platform for clout and relevance, and brands must stand out through experiences and ‘activations,’ like hosting a fashion show or providing themed makeovers. The reward is exposure and attention as the economy of influencers churns on.” – Vice