Artists Take Over Power Station And Make Art That Generates Power

The contemporary arts centre E-Werk Luckenwalde will not only open exhibition galleries and studio spaces in a former brown coal power station 65km south of Berlin, it will also begin generating carbon-neutral electricity. Led by the artist Pablo Wendel and the curator Helen Turner, E-Werk Luckenwalde will power its own building with locally sourced biomass and sell the excess energy back to the grid to fund the whole enterprise. – The Art Newspaper

125 Artists, Gallerists Protest Plans To Sell Off Di Rosa Foundation Collection In Napa

On Wednesday Robert Sain, the director of the di Rosa center, responded with a letter that repeated claims that the center did not have sufficient funds to maintain the collection. “It would … have been wonderful if additional donors beyond our board, membership, and strong base of supporters had responded to our fundraising efforts,” he wrote. The letter cites what it calls an “unfortunate” circumstance, “that we finally had to face the reckoning … or close our doors forever.” – San Francisco Chronicle

The Artist-Architects Who Thought Their Buildings Could Help Their Inhabitants Live Forever (By Driving Them Nuts)

“Madeline Gins and her husband, Shusaku Arakawa (who went only by his last name), 1960s New York conceptual artists and amateur architects who are regarded as a bridge between the Dada and Fluxus movements, … posited that buildings could be designed to increase mental and physical stimulation, which would, in turn, prolong life indefinitely. An aversion to right angles, an absence of symmetry and a constant shifting of elevations would stimulate the immune system, sharpen the mind and lead to immortality.” – T The New York Times Style Magazine

A Giant Hand With A Glowering Face Is Freaking Out New Zealand’s Capital

The 16½-foot-tall sculpture, titled Quasi and perched on top of City Gallery Wellington to glare at passersby, was sent up from Christchurch by its creator, artist Ronnie van Hout — and Wellingtonians are describing it with such phrases as “nightmarish fever dream” and “some hideous malevolent being.” It will be there for three years. – The Guardian

A Large, Newly-Excavated Section Of Pompeii Is Revealing Its Treasures And Recasting History

“The Regio V dig has already yielded skeletons, coins, a wooden bed, a stable harboring the remains of a thoroughbred horse (bronze-plated wooden horns on the saddle; iron harness with small bronze studs), gorgeously preserved frescoes, murals and mosaics of mythological figures, and other dazzling examples of ancient Roman artistry. That’s a surprisingly rich cache for what is arguably the most famous archaeological site in the world. But until now Pompeii has never been subjected to fully scientific excavation techniques.” – Smithsonian Magazine

How’s The Six-Year-Old Who Got Thrown Off The Tate Modern Viewing Deck? Awful, But Stable

The parents of the boy, who had brought him from France to London on holiday, say that the full extent of his injuries is still uncertain, but that he suffered broken bones in the back, arms, and legs as well as a brain bleed. “Our son has already undergone two long and difficult operations … But he is alive, struggling with all his strength, and we remain hopeful.” – The Guardian