A New York Times Art Critic Weighs In On Those San Francisco Murals: Keep ‘Em

Roberta Smith says it’s not a good idea to just paint over art that makes us uncomfortable. “These are among the scars on this country that every American — schoolchild or adult, of any race — should learn about in detail, keep learning about and never forget.” That said, she’s fine with adding more info, commissioning more response murals, covering them up with removable textiles – just not whitewashing them out of existence. – The New York Times

The Metropolitan Museum’s In-House Analytical Chemist

“Where others concentrate on specific paintings or sculptures, [Eric] Breitung … takes a broad approach: ‘My focus is the environment of the whole museum.’ That means preparing the Met for some 60 exhibitions each year, in spaces that range from 100 to 20,000 square feet. Design elements for each exhibit contain chemicals that could be damaging, depending on the art.” – National Geographic

How ‘The Most Complex Archaeological Rescue Mission Of All Time’ Saved The 3,200-Year-Old Temples Of Abu Simbel

Egyptian President Nasser’s Aswan Dam project involved flooding an area full of ancient monuments, including Ramses II’s famous temple complex at Abu Simbel. So, in 1960, UNESCO and the Egyptian government organized a massive international project to move the monuments beyond the reach of the floodwaters. – National Geographic History