Why Has Munch’s ‘The Scream’ Been Fading? Because We’ve Been Breathing On It

On the 1910 version of the painting, housed at the Munch Museum in Oslo, the cadmium yellow in the sky and the lake has been fading to off-white and flaking off for years, with light believed to be the culprit. A team of scientists has now found that light is not the problem: the dulling is caused by high humidity, particularly from the breath of many thousands of viewers. – CNN

Making Art On Instagram During A Shutdown

The Strip may be closed, but Las Vegas is so much more than gambling – or at least that’s what its chroniclers show. “In the absence of take-my-hand influencers, creative control of Instagram is free to return to the first group who adopted it: artists and photographers. If you give an artist a tool like Instagram and a bunch of idle hours, he or she will find a way to build a project.” – Las Vegas Weekly

Art As Refuge For The Uber-Rich

The shift to an almost purely commodified art world surely begins with the rise of the art dealer as influential trend-setter and arbiter of taste from the 1870s onwards; it has reached its apotheosis with the dealer-led commodification of contemporary art. Instead of reflecting institutional, social or aesthetic preoccupations, much of contemporary art is primarily a refuge for oligarchs’ money and a prestigious type of investment in a world where the global über-rich have more wealth than they can imagine outlets for. – The Critic

Who’s Behind Glasgow’s Covid-19 Street Art?

It’s not “strictly legal” to be out during lockdown (though it’s not strictly illegal either), so most of the artists will only speak anonymously. “One of those behind some of the most striking paintings is known as The Rebel Bear. … The Bear said he wanted to ‘provoke hope’ of life after lockdown. ‘And also to show the tightrope between fear and love that many of us are walking at the moment,’ he added.” – BBC

More Thoughts On Museums And Their Endowments

Some directors say they’re not truly created for stressful times. “Calling an endowment a ‘rainy day fund’ is ‘grossly inaccurate,’ said Brent Benjamin, Saint Louis Art Museum director and AAMD president. Endowments are not cash reserves that can so easily be tapped. You shouldn’t spend the principal, and unrestricted earnings are typically committed to annual budgets in advance.” – Los Angeles Times

California Museums Have To Figure Out What Qualifies As ‘Outdoors’ – And What’s Safe Even Then

The Getty won’t open even though it has quite a few outdoor spaces, because those must be access from indoor spaces. But elsewhere: “The Huntington will institute a timed ticketing system, in which guests will pay for reserved slots in advance, so there won’t be any in-person exchange of money. Visitors will be required to wear face coverings, given hand sanitizer and asked to maintain social distance. The Huntington also is tweaking the flow of foot traffic so pathways don’t become congested.” – Los Angeles Times