What Are The Thieves Who Stole That Van Gogh Going To Do With It?

Earlier this month, with the Netherlands under COVID lockdown, raiders broke into a small museum and took van Gogh’s Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring. Writer Daniel Dumas talks to two experts in the recovery of stolen art about where the painting might be now, how and where they might try to sell it, who likely buyers might be, and how art thieves get caught. – Esquire

I Donated My Paintings To A Prison. Did I Accomplish Anything?

“Who knows if the paintings I donated hold beauty in the harsh, isolated world of incarcerated people? I never ask these viewers directly; in prison, this question can beg answers like, “Your paintings? I love them. Get me out of here!” I wasn’t doing research, and didn’t need to know. The paintings just became part of the prison. It wasn’t until after teaching there that I got any sense of the paintings’ meanings in their context.” – Broad Street Review

Germany Will Provide Money And Craftspeople To Rebuild Notre-Dame’s Upper Windows

“The exact scope and nature of Germany’s contribution will be determined in the coming months on the basis of studies on the ground, [a] statement said, adding that three glass workshops at German cathedrals have the extensive expertise and experience necessary to undertake the restoration of the clerestory windows.” – The Art Newspaper

How To Reopen Museums – Quickly And Safely

Andras Szanto: “Museums could offer people who have experienced weeks of isolation a safe place to go, or a reprieve from cramped quarters. Their opening would signal the beginnings of a return to normalcy. What’s more, once the public is back, museums can serve as hubs of education, information-sharing, and collective reflection as we work together to surmount this crisis.” – Artnet