San Francisco Art Institute Stops Enrolling Students, Prepares To Lay Off Faculty And Staff

The nearly 150-year-old school, which counts Ansel Adams, Richard Diebenkorn, and Dorothea Lange as former faculty, says that it can’t continue to operate in the near term unless it joins a larger and more stable institution. Administrators expect to cancel all fall semester classes. Students graduating this spring will get their degrees; others are being strongly encouraged to transfer elsewhere. – San Francisco Chronicle

What Survived The Fire At The Museum

When fire, smoke, and water pumped in for more than 20 hours ripped through the archives at the Museum of the Chinese in America in late January, the staff thought all of the more than 85,000 pieces were lost. But “on March 8, about 20 workers wearing hard hats and gas masks passed more than 2,000 boxes filled with the beloved archives from one person to the next, down the building’s fire escape and into a truck.” Now (as soon as it’s safe to do the work) it’s preservation and sorting time. – The New York Times

Ai Weiwei Says An Artist Must Be An Activist

In addition, as a huge show in London is suspended because of the COVID-19 outbreak, he says, “Cultural institutions are probably the last to be damaged, but the first to show how severely this can affect our understanding about art and culture, which reflect tragic human moments like this. It is very hard to predict the future, but it seems like the situation is not going to be easily resolved and will have a strong impact. All the factors that allowed for this incident still remain the same – this could happen again – and a more thoughtful response in terms of social structure and the philosophical understanding of this situation is required.” – The Guardian (UK)