Warning: UK’s Creative Industries Are In Danger

“We are at an incredibly dangerous moment. We are at a dangerous moment for public funding, a dangerous moment for creative education at schools and universities and we are at a potentially dangerous moment for our commercial companies because if we fail to think long term, if we fail to invest in our public spaces and cultural education, the talent pool that has projected us on to this level of the past 10 or 20 years will dry up.”

The Rise And Fall Of Producer Norman Lear

“No species of fame is as fleeting as the sort bestowed by network TV. But Lear fell further, faster, and more fully than most, and it is noteworthy that he has nothing to say about this descent in his newly published autobiography, Even This I Get to Experience,1 in which he is fairly forthcoming about most other aspects of his long and eventful life (he is 92 years old).”

Museum Contests Value Of Sendak Estate

The value of 800 rare books at the center of a legal dispute between the executors of Maurice Sendak’s will and the Rosenbach of the Free Library of Philadelphia is estimated at $1.65 million, according to a figure offered by the Sendak estate in probate court filings. But the Rosenbach, which is suing Sendak’s estate, puts the value much higher.

What Made Philip Larkin So Great

If Larkin, who died in 1985, woke up today, he would have good reason to scream. The three decades following his death have savaged his reputation. “I have no enemies,” he once joked, “but my friends don’t like me.” Posterity proved the second part of that statement correct.

Two Of Paris’s Most Important Theatres Will Go Dark For Two Seasons

“The Théâtre de la Ville and the Théâtre du Châtelet … will close for extensive renovations at the end of the 2016 season, darkening the houses for one and a half to two years. The theaters, which face each other on the Place du Châtelet, next to the Seine in the heart of the city, were designed by Gabriel Davioud and constructed between 1860 and 1862.”