New Music Biz Model Gets Traction

“The struggle of top-heavy major labels to adapt their business models to a new reality, it turns out, is opening more doors than ever to idealistic independents. A growing number of labels, are swiftly moving to promote artists that the majors have ignored. Their strategies, born from necessity and a love for music rather than a devotion to profit margins, may in fact turn out to be commercially savvy.”

How Movie Blurbs Got Devalued

Movie studios have “so thoroughly destroyed the credibility of blurb ads by using junket critics… and nonprofessionals that when it comes time to attract attention for more serious films, they can’t simply stick a few blurbs at the top of the page from real critics and expect potential moviegoers to notice the difference.”

William Hurt Has A Few Thousand Words To Say

“Granted 20 minutes to speak with Mr. Hurt… we somehow found ourselves talking to him – or listening to him talk – about the science of condensation (and how it informs his acting); the Baal Shem Tov, the mystical rabbi (and how Glenn Close reminds Mr. Hurt of him); and, occasionally, about his wide-ranging feelings about working on [the TV series] Damages.

The Man Who Midwifed 20th-Century Dance

This May 18 is the centennial of Serge Diaghilev’s first evening of Russian ballet in Paris. “At this moment, audiences were shown a future for ballet far from the sterility of Europe’s opera houses and music halls. The next year came Diaghilev-inspired creations: Bakst’s parrot-cry colours in Scheherazade and the new theatre-music of Stravinsky’s Firebird.”