Cincinnati Symphony Had Bigger Audience, Balanced Budget In 2014

“Even as many American orchestras around the country are struggling, tens of thousands of people flocked to Music Hall last year to hear Brahms, Beethoven and Boyz II Men. Cincinnati is the smallest city in the nation that still supports a full-time, 52-week orchestra. The nation’s fifth oldest orchestra, the Cincinnati Symphony is one of just 14 year-round orchestras in America.”

Readibility? What Is It, Really? It’s A Myth, That’s What

So argues Noah Berlatsky: “‘Difficult,’ when applied to literature, generally refers to works that are hard to read, hard to get through, hard to finish. And for me, that describes Left Behind far more than it describes Atonement – the second of which I read twice in quick succession and would read again happily, while the first made me hate life and hope to be transported mid-sentence to another, better realm.”

The Cellist As Performance Artist

“After failing to establish herself as a soloist, and earning a reputation for lateness that she could only partly counter with her Southern graces, Charlotte Moorman fell in with the avant garde. The rigour and delight with which she embraced the work of composers such as Cage, Paik and La Monte Young was matched only by the awe and indulgence with which she was treated – for a time.”

The Future Of Language (How We’ll Communicate 100 Years From Now)

“The days when English shared the planet with thousands of other languages are numbered. A traveler to the future, a century from now, is likely to notice two things about the language landscape of Earth. One, there will be vastly fewer languages. Two, languages will often be less complicated than they are today—especially in how they are spoken as opposed to how they are written.”

When You Write A Book Of Personal Essays And Everyone Loves It, What’s Left To Say?

“We’re fundamentally attached to the redemption narrative: I was lost but now I’m found, I sinned but now I’m saved, I made lemonade from lemons, and so on. But the question I ask in different ways throughout the book is what happens when or if you don’t come out of a tough situation a better or changed person? What if you’re just the same person? And why is that not actually the best outcome?”

China’s Movie Box Office Grew 36 Percent In 2014

“Cinemas took in 29.6 billion yuan ($4.77 billion) in ticket sales last year with domestic films accounting for a little more than half the total, the official Xinhua news agency reported. Domestic productions made 16.15 billion yuan, or about 55 percent of the total, as China produced more than 600 movies, Xinhua cited Zhang Hongsen, head of the country’s film censor as saying.”