Three Theatre Legends Finally Collaborate

“There’s reminiscence and confession, sibling rivalry and narcissism, moments that are remembered differently by different relatives, and a buried secret linked — yes! — to the Cold War. Add funny repartee and a Burberry trench coat, and you have the kind of play that Manhattan Theater Club audiences eat up.”

The New York Public Library’s Erotica Collection

“The works are hidden treasures, many of them awaiting discovery. Not even the curators and librarians know everything that is there. ‘There were many materials in the library’s special collections that I had never seen before,’ Mr. Baumann said. ‘The range and depth of our collections never ceases to astonish me.'”

That Influential Book Critic, Bill Gates

“As publishers have become more aware of Mr. Gates’s reviews — missing the publicity they used to get from Oprah Winfrey’s televised book club or from the regular author appearances on ‘The Colbert Report,’ which have been less frequent since Stephen Colbert moved to CBS from Comedy Central — they have tried to figure out how to get their new books in front of him.”