Rushdie Vs. Mishra, Round 3

Pankaj Mishra: “Such are the imbalances of geopolitical power that it is hard even to imagine Mo Yan, or any writer in China for that matter, attacking … Salman Rushdie for failing to be sufficiently critical of Barack Obama’s routine executions using drones … Rushdie’s self-presentation as a stern literary ombudsman to errant politicians is not much more persuasive.”

Learning Life Lessons From Psychopaths

As one correspondent (a lawyer, naturally) told researcher Kevin Dutton, “Psychopathy (if that’s what you want to call it) is like a medicine for modern times. If you take it in moderation, it can prove extremely beneficial. It can alleviate a lot of existential ailments that we would otherwise fall victim to because our fragile psychological immune systems just aren’t up to the job of protecting us.”