The Man Who’s Cornered The Warhol Market

“Nobody has done more to capitalize on Andy Warhol’s increasing popularity than Jose Mugrabi. Together with his two sons, this self-made former cloth merchant from Bogotá, Colombia, says that over the past 20 years he’s amassed about 800 of the artist’s works, a stake that’s easily three times larger than any other private Warhol collection in the world and nearly as large as the paintings collection owned by the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.”

NEA Enjoying A Quiet Moment

The NEA scored itself a $20m funding boost in this year’s federal budget, and compared to the early 1990s, when controversial art and angry Congressmen threatened to kill the endowment off, things seem positively rosy for government arts funding. But that could change again in the blink of an eye…

Live Music Dances Back Into View

“The use of taped music in the 20th Century helped popularize dance by saving costs. But there’s an imbalance, a vacuum, a sense of something missing. Take away live music, and you take away part of the thrill.” But in Chicago, something of a live music revival is underway in the city’s prestigious dance scene.

Guild To “Take Action” Against Leno

The striking Writers Guild of America says that it intends to take some sort of action against guild member and Tonight Show host Jay Leno, who has been performing monologues and other scripted bits on his show since returning to the air this week. Leno and NBC believe that a contract loophole allows the host to write his own material.