How Did The South Steal Americana Music?

How were the many other traditions Americans might have looked to as their musical roots, a rich seedbed and nearly lost cause I will describe later, trampled or left untended as Southern traditions — both African-American and Anglo-European — spread like Miracle-Gro magnolias? These questions have been nagging me.”

Ten Poems for People Who Hate Poetry

“This list is an olive branch to the poetry skeptics. Prose is great for fiction, essays, and belabored introductions to lists, but poetry has its own place in this world. … Many wonderful poems exist, but the following selections will appeal to readers of prose: work that is approachable, funny, smart, but still verse. Take a chance on these 10 poems.”

‘A Peculiarly French And Savage Tradition’: Adam Gopnik On Charlie Hebdo And The Fine Art Of Blasphemy

“There is a huge space between an insult and a threat, and it isn’t actually that hard to tell one from the other. … Mocking your prophet is not at all like threatening your person. Blasphemy is ridicule directed at an ideology; hate speech encourages violence directed at individuals. … Blasphemy is just the fanatic’s name for criticism.”