Betty Freeman, 87, New Music’s Fairy Godmother

“As far as I could tell, Betty Freeman did not have a sentimental bone in her body. An arts patron like no other, she supported an extraordinary contingent of important composers… but she immediately lost interest in them after they died. She cared about the living, about new work, about the future, not the past. Once someone was gone, she moved on. Now she’s gone.”

Has Guitar Hero Taught Us Nothing? Strings Are Too Hard!

“Why are they still making guitars with ‘real’ strings that are difficult and boring to learn how to play and really make your fingers hurt? What is the point? Do we still slaughter our own cows? Dig our own wells? Work in the turnip fields for 18 hours a day, six days a week? No.” The solution is obvious: Redesign the guitar. Buttons only this time.

Remain Calm, Morris-Dancing Fans; It’s Merely A Lull

Poet-performer John Hegley says there’s no cause for panic about the health of Morris dancing:
“The Morris is a mate of mine
the rumours state it’s in decline!

My answer is a little dull,
it’s not decline – it’s just a lull:
like concertinas squeeze to shut
until the arms unbend,
like deckchairs go back in the hut
at every summer’s end.”