Outrage Among Tintinophiles At Suggestion Their Hero Is Gay

As the intrepid boy reporter celebrates his 60th birthday, it seems that le tout France is up in arms over a (tongue-in-cheek?) newspaper column asking this: “A callow, androgynous blonde-quiffed youth in funny trousers and a scarf moving into the country mansion of his best friend, a middle-aged sailor… and whose only serious female friend is an opera diva… And you’re telling me Tintin isn’t gay?”

Edinburgh Fringe Seeks £600K Government Bailout

“The festival’s board is preparing to ask for emergency funds to meet basic running costs after a box office crisis last year saw sales slump by almost 10 per cent… The Fringe’s acting director, Tim Hawkins, said at least £300,000 was needed in the next three months alone to pay for the emergency box office service and recruitment costs of last year.”

Scientist Believes Life Is Toxic; Earth Needs Humans To Save It

Peter Ward “believes that the only help for the planet over the long run is management by human beings – whether that means actively adjusting the chemical composition of the atmosphere or using giant satellites to modify the amount of sunlight that reaches us. As Ward sees it, the planet doesn’t need our help destroying itself. It will do that automatically. It needs us to save it.”