The Most Influential Curators Of The Last Century – An Opinionated List

While many curators today have a status on a par with the artists with whom they work, it was not always thus. The celebrity status of the curator has mushroomed with the professionalization of art, the multiplication of international events, and, not least, with difficult-to-define contemporary art being in desperately in need of able ambassadors to the public.

Writing A Singable English Version Of The World’s First Good Opera Wasn’t As Easy As It Sounded

“The technical problems of making a singable version of an Italian opera can be stated very simply: you have to make English sentences fit music written for Italian ones. However, this is like trying to fit a set of spanners into a velvet box made for a dinner-service. It also means you have to flip the polarity of the whole language.”

The Art World Has To Ditch The Rich Russians

“The great myth about the art world is that it is loaded with money. It is, of course, but only at the top end. Collectors, successful dealers and some artists are rich. Yet around this elite, and servicing it, is a constellation of magazines, books, critics and websites, curators and exhibitions that is not so profitable.”

This Whole ‘Overlooked Female Artist’ Trope Is Getting Annoying, And It Has To Change

“The rhetoric surrounding these ‘rediscovered’ artists excludes too much about the specifics of their lives and the sociopolitical contexts that have perpetuated their exclusion — not simply from notoriety, but also from market success and a place in art education. Instead of acknowledging these forces, we often say women artists were too unorthodox for their times.”

Novelist Robert Stone Was Inspired By War Abroad And At Home

The novelist died at 77 on Saturday. “‘It’s literally true that the world is seen by the superpowers as a grid of specific targets,’ he told The Paris Review in 1985.’“We’re all on military maps. There happens to be no action in those zones at present, but they’re there. And then there are the wars we fight with ourselves in our own cities. It is the simple truth that, wherever you are, there is an armed enemy present, not far away.'”

What’s Next For Thrice-Detained Cuban Artist Tania Bruguera?

“For me, this is ‘Arte de Conducta’ — Behavior Art — and it’s a piece that is decided not by the artist but by a political condition. It was like a test to see how ready everyone was to create a new behavioral dynamic. Right now, people have an on/off button that they turn on and off when something like this happens. I wanted to change that reaction.”