How The Satanic Verses Ignited A 20-Year Culture War

It’s now two decades since the Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa calling for the death of author Salman Rushdie. “[R]ight from the start, The Satanic Verses affair was less a theological dispute than an opportunity to exert political leverage. The background to the controversy was the struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran to be the standard bearer of global Islam.”

Justin Davidson’s Rx For Saving New York City Opera

“The new boss ought to dismantle City Opera’s current apparatus and reorganize it into a flexible roving troupe. … Forging a migrant opera company would force changes that a ruthless economy may demand anyway: simple but ingenious sets, a repertoire of intimate pieces, and an orchestra that can shrink and grow as the music, rather than the union, demands.”

Duke Beefs About Titian Deal – £100m Sale To Britain Not Great

“It is unfortunate that it has dragged along to this unhelpful time economically. I honestly don’t know why it has dragged along. From the valuations and things being bandied about, I don’t know if I’m doing that well. I think the nation is probably doing pretty well. I’m sure the figure is a good deal lower than it would have been.”

The Jazz Generation Gap

“Although there are still jazz fans who like to hear the old songs performed in a traditional manner, an emerging audience enjoys hearing recent tunes given an improvisational — and often experimental — spin. The former crowd tends to be older; the latter tends to be younger. And the overlap between them seems to be minimal.”