Is TV Industry Rethinking Its Obsession With Younger Viewers?

“There’s a growing sense in the industry that the 18-to-49 category’s importance to marketers may be wildly overblown. Moreover, in an age of DVRs, multichannel systems and increasingly tiny ratings, the demo obsession may itself be pushing down ratings, exacerbating the industry’s problems and excluding from consideration too many programs that could have broad appeal.”

Julian Kuerti – Young Conductor From Canadian Musical Royalty

“Often, as a younger conductor, the more you speak and rehearse, the more you lose credibility. The players start getting bored, they stop listening, and maybe they decide to test you. I had only one rehearsal with overtime, we basically read everything through once, and I didn’t get to say much. So there wasn’t really a chance for me to dig myself into a hole.

How Sadler’s Wells Became Dance’s Most Important Venue

When Alistair Spalding “took over in 2004, the theater was in debt, and its programming had suffered from years of changing and shaky direction. Mr. Spalding has turned matters around by taking risks, trusting his instincts and continually supporting and producing new work. This approach, the antithesis of the market-research-driven philosophy that motivates most American theaters, has met with both financial and popular success.”