“[He] always looked relaxed, with a Bronx-bred saunter to his step and often a leather baseball cap pulled low over his eyes, but he always played hard, whether for a European concert hall or a New York subway platform.”
Tag: 01.11.14
Making Sense of Woody Allen’s Long, Confusing Career
The man has churned out a movie a year since the 1970s; taken as a whole, those films cover a bewildering array of subject matter and approach. Andrew O’Hehir sorts it all out.
Why Do We Still Celebrate Being A “Published” Writer?
“Why do we have this uncritical reverence for the published writer? Why does the simple fact of publication suddenly make a person, hitherto almost derided, now a proper object of our admiration, a repository of special and important knowledge about the human condition?”
How LEGOs Could Cause A Revolution For Girls In Engineering And Architecture
“She enforces order, here a street and there a house, and then – wham! – she is able to destroy the whole plan and start again. Given the God-like way many architects carry on, it’s probably helpful to get a sense of this feeling as early as possible.”
Book Fans Flock To The Frick Museum For The Goldfinch
Donna Tartt’s bestselling book inspires fans to converge on the small museum, which has more than doubled its membership during the show that features the painting from the novel.
How Well Do The Golden Globes Predict The Oscars?
“Ever since the Academy expanded its best picture category to as many as 10 nominees in 2009, only 59 percent of Golden Globe best picture nominees have earned Oscar nominations. The odds improve for the actual Golden Globe winners: 88 percent of them have gone on to earn Oscar nominations.”
That ‘Frickin’ Wolf Of Wall Street
“With every F-bomb comes more work for editors skilled in dubbing over such expletives for different markets, age groups and broadcast times.”
Yes, There’s Another New Streaming Music Service
But – and this is key – it’s part of the Beats empire (those headphones that can cost $450).