Legacy: As Arts Boomers Retire, How To Pass On The Important Stuff?

“The transition from one generation of leaders in our field to another is underway. It will likely take a decade or more to complete. We believe that the needs of both those leaving their positions and those who are moving into those jobs, along with the needs of the organizations experiencing this transition, and the field as a whole, and the issues raised, are important for the field to discuss.”

Lost Van Dyck Canvas Found In Istanbul; Two Arrested For Smuggling

“Undercover police officers confiscated the canvas from a pair of textile businessmen attempting to sell the work for 14 million lira ($4.6 million). … While Turkish authorities have not officially identified the painting, art experts from the Museum of Painting and Sculpture in Istanbul are confident that the canvas is a long-lost van Dyck masterpiece.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 01.11.16

When Libraries Realize That The Most Valuable Thing They Own Isn’t Their Collections
Remember when the internet came along and everyone wondered whether there would still be a use for libraries? Oddly, just as the question was being called, in the early 2000s there was a building boom… … read more
AJBlog: diacritical Published 2016-01-11

A Boomerang at the Metropolitan Museum
Stay tuned this afternoon for a strange and perhaps (a little) juicy announcement from the Metropolitan Museum of Art*. When trustees meet late this afternoon, one item on the agenda  … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2016-01-11

Time Remembered: A Bill Evans Film
Time Remembered, a film about pianist Bill Evans (1929-1980), is being screened in selected showings around the United States. It is set for tomorrow, Tuesday, evening in San Diego, California. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-01-11

Charlotte Moorman to Get a Full-Dress Close-Up
On a visit I made years ago to Northwestern University’s Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections its curator at the time, Russell Maylone, showed me a room piled high with ramshackle boxes that had… … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2016-01-11

Antiquities and ISIS: Something Doesn’t Add Up
I care deeply about cultural heritage, and have spent much time over the last year agonizing about the destruction caused by ISIS in the Middle East. The last thing I want is for ISIS to … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2016-01-10


Flooded British Bookstores Get An Infusion Of Cash From James Patterson

“The last week, it has felt genuinely that we are part of a real community, that publishers do care about independent bookshops and understand their value. We are important: to the book trade, to authors, readers and to the wider communities we exist in. The amazing support we have had is a huge reminder of this and made us even more determined to survive this.”