New York City Is Taking Half (Or Maybe One-Quarter) Measures With Its Monuments. Will That Do?

Some of the questions NY’s monuments committee considered: “If monuments have the power to write history, who, in any given case, is wielding that power? Was the history true when written, and has that truth changed over time? Does the history serve positive or negative ends? Promote inclusion or divisiveness? If monuments are, like history, intrinsically complex, not easily defined as ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ is complexity alone enough to justify a contested monument’s continuing presence?”

Who’s In Charge Of The Seats At The Royal Albert Hall?

Some of the seats are owned by private people, who can resell them for a profit. And those seatholders? Make up the majority of the council that runs the charity that runs the hall. Now, “A row over the governance of the Royal Albert Hall will be referred to tribunal, it has been confirmed, after the venue was reported to the UK’s top law officer.”

Richmond’s New Institute For Contemporary Art Loses Its Director Three Months Before Opening

Lisa Freiman came from the Indianapolis Museum of Art (where she was the top curator for contemporary work) 4½ years ago as the first director of the museum at the city’s Virginia Commonwealth University. She gave no reason for her departure other than wanting to return to her scholarly work (she’s staying on at the university as a faculty member).