Milwaukee’s Unexpected MD Score

When the Milwaukee Symphony began searching for a conductor to replace outgoing music director Andreas Delfs, it “expected to land a young up-and-comer, as Delfs was 11 years ago. The slate of young guest conductors on this year’s schedule pointed that way. Instead they got a seasoned pro, and they got him for at least three years.”

Study: Wine Tastes Better When It’s “Expensive”

“Researchers in California showed you can increase a person’s enjoyment of wine by just sticking a higher price on it, according to a study released Monday. The volunteers consistently gave higher ratings to the more ‘expensive’ wines. Brain scans also showed greater neural activity in the pleasure center when they were sampling those ‘pricey’ wines, indicating that the increased pleasure they reported was a real effect in the brain.”

What Defines The Culture Of Our Age?

“As well as geopolitical angst and technological luxury, the spirit of the age also revolves around a big paradox: that in an era of supposedly rapid change, our popular culture is defined by a mass refusal to let go of the past. Pat references to postmodernism won’t work here, because what’s afoot is far more culturally stifling than that very worn-out term implies. Think about it this way: whereas, say, 1968 and 1958 denoted two different worlds, how is it that 2008 and 1998 seem so close?”