Utah S&O Picks A New Leader

The Utah Symphony & Opera has named Melia Tourangeau, head of Michigan’s Grand Rapids Symphony, as its new CEO. She seems to have been a bit of a surprise pick, and is not well known among orchestra managers nationally. Tourangeau will report for work in April, shortly after giving birth to her second child.

10 Overlooked Classics

“Music history is littered with worthy, beautiful, ingenious or simply charming pieces that have never received their full due. Some compositions are too unusual, some too conventional. Some decent composers get overshadowed by their genius contemporaries, while others get overtaken by world events.”

Peter Hall At 77

“The founder of the RSC and the man who led the National Theatre to its new home has not worked in Stratford or on the South Bank in years. His operatic commitments at Glyndebourne have dried up, and he’s never been asked to work at Shakespeare’s Globe. It would be a mistake, however, to assume that Hall’s career is petering out. Directors, like conductors, never retire.”

Excellence In The Arts… Okay, What’s Not To Believe?

UK artists have been buzzing about Brian McMaster’s report on the arts. But Rupert Christiansen is unimpressed. “I confess to finding it a largely bland and woolly document, lacking in hard or original thinking and skating over several vitally important issues. Worst of all is its reliance on the tired and vacuous concept of ‘excellence’.”