Report: 95% Of Online Music Downloaded Illegally

“Ninety-five per cent of music available online is downloaded illegally, according to a report by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. Despite a record growth in digital music sales last year, and an industry that has ‘transformed its business models’, the report says the majority of music was downloaded for free with no payments made to artists.”

Obama’s Proposed Artists Corps Sows Hope In Arts Circles

“Barack Obama enters office with the first-ever presidential arts platform drafted during the campaign. … Perhaps nothing [in the platform] has attracted as much interest as the proposed Artists Corps, a national service concept that, much like the Peace Corps, would draft legions of young talent into service across the nation’s schools and arts organizations.”

Endowment Diminished, Income Off, Met Is Cutting Costs

“[T]he Metropolitan Opera has been bludgeoned by the recession and now faces a ‘disaster scenario’ unless the company finds major cost cuts, including concessions from its powerful unions, the Met’s general manager, Peter Gelb, said on Thursday. Its once-mighty endowment of more than $300 million has dropped by a third, to a point where it cannot be drawn from; donations are down by $10 million this season; and ticket sales are expected to be off by several million dollars….”

Kimbell Museum Names A Director: Cincinnati’s Eric Lee

“Eric Lee, who distinguished himself for two years as director of the Taft Museum of Art in Cincinnati, is the new director of the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth. Kay Fortson, president of the Kimbell Art Foundation, said the board voted unanimously to pick Lee, 42, after spending 18 months interviewing ‘many, many, many candidates from all over the world.'”

Debating A Department Of The Arts

Should the arts’ current “fragmented representation throughout the U.S. government” be centralized under a secretary of the arts? Artists such as Quincy Jones, who argues that the arts are “just as important as military defense,” are all in favor. Others see the need for someone who’s versed in issues like cultural diplomacy and has the president’s ear. But there’s plenty of opposition.