How The Phone Salesman Became A Global Singing Star

“Reportedly £30,000 in debt after his illness, it could be argued that Paul Potts’ appearance on Britain’s Got Talent could not have come at a more opportune moment, as he acknowledged on winning. Fast forward seven months and Potts has not only topped the album charts but performed all around the world. From Mexico to New York, Canada to Portugal and Amsterdam to Helsinki, he has wowed audiences.”

Even In An Online World, Public Libraries Thrive

Today, libraries are more popular than ever. In part that’s because they are a prime example of what urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his book The Great Good Place calls a “third place.” The first place is home, the second place is your workspace, and the third is a public space where you can simply drop in, relax, read a book or magazine, talk with other people.

Dreamworks Working On “Shrek” Musical

“Shrek, the star of the blockbuster animated movies, will appear in a new musical set to premiere at Seattle’s 5th Avenue Theatre Aug. 14-Sept. 21, before moving to New York in November. The first such venture by DreamWorks, “Shrek the Musical” could set up a new Broadway rivalry, going toe to toe with Disney musicals drawn from that company’s animated films.”