Why Our Brains Find It Difficult Screen Luggage

“Though baggage screening might seem on the surface like a repetitive and uncomplicated job, it turns out to be devilishly hard. Even well-trained security officers have trouble spotting guns, knives, and plastic explosives amid the tsunami of hair dryers, socks, MP3 players, metal toys, and the occasional cured ham that flows by during a holiday week like this one.”

Sao Paulo Moves To Close Brazil’s Top Art Museum

“The Sao Paulo Museum of Art, which opened in 1947, is considered Latin America’s top museum for western modern and contemporary art. Yet on Dec. 20, a gang of thieves, using only a car jack and a crowbar, broke into the building and stole the two paintings, reportedly worth more than $50 million US in total. The building has no alarm and was relying on unarmed guards who patrol inside 24 hours a day.”