UK’s Channel 4 Offers To Spend £5 Billion On British Productions

The network is even promising to spend one-fourth of that budget (£1.25B) on programming made outside of greater London. “However the broadcaster says the money will only be spent if it can secure fresh investment to support its public service activities. The announcement [is] regarded as a last ditch attempt to lobby the government for public funds.”

The King Who Remade Persian Civilization

“During his long reign [1587-1629] Shah Abbas presided over a flowering of Iranian arts in a style as characteristic as that of the France of Louis XIV. This was carried from huge projects to the most delicate and refined of decorative work… He was one of the great rulers of his age – the equal of the Ottoman Sultan, the Mogul Emperor or the King of Spain.”

With New President, Daily Show Needs New Narrative

“With George Bush back in Crawford, Texas, and Barack Obama in the White House trying to deal with the nation’s woes, will ‘The Daily Show With Jon Stewart’ still have enough satirical fodder for its four-nights-per week/161-episodes-per-year broadcast?” After all, the new guy in the White House has been a guest on the show four times — and, complicating matters, is smart.

Beyond Williams: In An Arts President, Only Daring Will Do

“We have reason to believe we have an arts president. … Frankly, the Williams quartet [at the inauguration] was a bit hokey. For Obama to be an arts president he will have to think higher and even further out of the box. If he really wants change, he will have to have the courage to listen to artists who can’t be controlled, whose vision is greater than his and his handlers.” So here’s a list of some.

Broadway Box Office Goes … Down. Again.

“Broadway continued its January decline last week, with total cume down $2 million to $13.9 million for 21 shows on the boards. Still, a few shows saw upticks, notably ‘Speed-the-Plow’ ($421,987), which rose $87,000 in the first week of perfs with new star William H. Macy, who stepped into the lead role originally occupied by the departed Jeremy Piven (and played over the holidays by Norbert Leo Butz).” This is Broadway’s traditional slow time, slower this year with the recent spate of show closings.

Jean Nouvel Covers A Building In Blue Velvet

Okay, it’s not velvet – it’s a translucent fabric sheath stretched over the external frame of Nouvel’s new Copenhagen Concert Hall. During the day you can see silhouettes of the people inside; at night, it’s lit a bright cobalt blue with a montage of projected video images. Nicolai Ouroussoff calls the result “one of the most gorgeous buildings I have recently seen.”