Survey: Contemporary Art Market Recovery 3-5+ Years Away

“Confidence levels in the contemporary-art market have fallen 81 percent since May 2008 and may take between three and five years to recover, according to a survey by research company ArtTactic Ltd. ArtTactic’s Western Art Market Confidence Indicator dropped to 10.5 from 56, the lowest level reached since the survey was first conducted in May 2005….”

Help Wanted: Money Manager For A Louvre Endowment

“Eighteen banks, including UBS AG and JPMorgan Chase & Co., are competing for money-management business from an elderly, refined first-time client — the Louvre. The Paris museum, which opened to the public in 1793, says it is starting a U.S.-style endowment next month with the 175 million euros ($230 million) it received to set up an Abu Dhabi offshoot.”

With Bush’s Exit, Nuance Can Return To Political Theatre

“As liberals around the world leap up and down with joy at the inauguration of Barack Obama, theatre-makers also have cause to celebrate: they can go back to making interesting political theatre. For the last eight years, seemingly everyone involved in making theatre has so violently disagreed with George Bush that it’s made for some very tedious work. (Yes, that includes Stuff Happens.)”

Christopher Wheeldon On What Dance Needs To Survive

“Everyone’s asking the question: how do you make ballet current, how do you make ballet relevant? I think you just have to make it resonate with people, emotionally resonate. People want to feel connected. I think we alienated people a little bit with that extreme physicality, where you’re not seeing the person behind the leotard, you’re just seeing the bodies.”