Forget Novels – Bret Easton Ellis’s Real Art Form Is the Tweet

Twitter mixes literature (of an admittedly minimal sort) with performance, and it’s perfect for Ellis, who has always been, when you think about it, more of a conceptual artist than an author. … In this new métier, each part of his persona is on view: satirist, nihilist, glamour guy, exhibitionist, knee-jerk contrarian, self-pitying cokehead, and a few other things.”

Race, Gender, And The Sex Lives Of Contemporary Twenty-Somethings

“Sandy’s fight with Hannah reveals a lot about previously unexplored racial tension on Girls, and it does so in a way that’s far more nuanced than a token minority character is usually allowed. He rips her ‘bullshit’–in short, how girls like Hannah fetishize black men, then ditch them when they share their thoughts and feelings.”