Broadway Will Beat The New President With Kindness … And Show Tunes

Show tunes can do just about anything, or so this Inaugural Night fundraiser seemed to say. “Though the name of the man being installed as the new president was never once mentioned, the subtext of the benefit seemed to be a refusal to succumb to any pessimism brought on by his election.

The Invention Of Ambient Music

“In the sixties, pop music in West Germany was in a peculiar state. … But, as with the New German Cinema that emerged in that decade, new German sounds had begun to take shape. … The German press (and, for the most part, German audiences) ignored the ‘Krautrock’ bands entirely. But in advertisements and airports, on film soundtracks, and in concert halls, high and low, the music is still in the air, all around us.”

New US Arts Education Law Suggests Hope

“While No Child Left Behind named the arts as a “core academic subject of learning,” gaps in access to arts learning persisted. In fact, despite the clear evidence of the value of learning in and through the arts, the U.S. Department of Education’s own research finds that the highest poverty schools in this country have the least access to arts education.”

Two Of The Missing Hong Kong Booksellers Mysteriously Surface In China

“One man appeared on state-run Chinese TV saying he’d voluntarily returned to the mainland to face justice in a 2003 drunk-driving case. Meanwhile, the wife of another said she had received a handwritten letter, purportedly from her husband, reiterating that he too had returned to the mainland of his own volition to assist with ‘investigations.’ Both of the men hold European passports.”

Filmmaker Ettore Scola Dead At 84

“[He was] a painstaking and passionate chronicler of Italian society whose unforgettable masterpieces featured global stars like Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. … He leaves behind a wide-ranging oeuvre portraying the dark years of Italy under fascism and its identity crisis in the early half of the 21st century.”

Remembering The Great Hollywood Choreographer We’ve All Forgotten

But you remember his work if you’ve seen Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. And Jack Cole’s dances “are often the most compelling reason to revisit movies like Down to Earth, On the Riviera and The I Don’t Care Girl. … It’s hard not to be drawn in – and sometimes taken aback – by the vitality and sexual exuberance of Cole’s dance numbers.”