Chicago Sinfonietta Starts Minority Musicians’ Program

“Project Inclusion, as the initiative is called, will provide African-American, Asian and Latino musicians with apprenticeships lasting from one to two years. Participants will rehearse and perform with the orchestra, receive mentoring from senior members of the ensemble, attend master classes and mock auditions, and receive job-placement assistance after leaving the program.”

The Allure Of Anonymity

“Every time I finish a play, I consider the possibility of making up a name, sticking it on the cover and sending the play off to theatres as an unsolicited manuscript. I always say I will. I never have. This, of course, is entirely about fear. I’d like to think my work has an inherent quality that will be recognised whatever name is on it, and that I’d be offered productions in all the same theatres. But then what if I slide right back down the literary ladders and receive a pile of rejection letters?”

Why Reforming UK’s Arts Funding Is Needed

“For too long, funding has been given regardless of quality and has been about which boxes – diversity and community in particular – applicants tick. This has led to an appallingly cynical attitude where some organisations appoint a staff or board member simply because they come from a minority, or, worse, inflict their rubbish on unsuspecting schools or care homes in the name of outreach.”