Annapolis Arts District Gets Off The Ground

The city of Annapolis, Maryland is planning an extensive arts district as part of a downtown revitalization effort. “If the state approves the district, Annapolis would have a green light to exempt arts venues from local admissions and amusement taxes and reduce city and county property taxes for developers who build affordable spaces for artists to live and work.”

The Trouble With Brahms

Despite his clear place as one of the 19th century’s most influential composers, Brahms can be a hard composer to like, says Anne Midgette. “I greet his appearance as you would the entrance of a person at a party whom you’re not all that eager to talk to, even though you may have had intense and intermittently rewarding conversations over the years.”

Arts Sustainability Begins With Funding

“Core to the issue of sustainability is the creation of vibrant art. Without this understanding as a starting point, and as the goal for all artists, organisations and funding agencies, there is no future. Organisations can plan effectively only when they know what they are trying to achieve. Too often they fall into the trap of creating a vision in response to funding policies.”