They Fess Up: Inauguration Quartet Was Lip Finger-Synching

Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, Anthony McGill and Gabriela Montero did in fact play Air and Simple Gifts at the inauguration. “But what the millions on the Mall and watching on television heard was in fact a recording, made two days earlier by the quartet and matched tone for tone by the musicians playing along.” Explanation: the cold made them do it.

Star-Studded £125M Contemporary Art Collection To Make UK-Wide Tour

“The travelling exhibition, announced at Tate Modern yesterday, will include many of the 725 cutting-edge artworks given by… Anthony D’Offay to Tate and National Galleries of Scotland last year, on proviso that [they]… be displayed across the nation rather than hidden away in the vaults… and occasionally wheeled out for an urbane London audience.”