Filmmaker Michael Haneke On Catharsis

“I think that catharsis is an overly ambitious term. If a film manages to make spectators as viewers reflective for a few hours, if it manages to make them for a short time nicer to each other, more humane, then you’ve achieved a great deal. Catharsis is too ambitious. I don’t think, in today’s society, you can achieve catharsis with a book – uh, film.”

Watching Pierre Boulez Rehearse Elliott Carter

“In Cleveland, the players were bewildered during the first read-through of the score. Tensions flickered and were fanned by Boulez’s effortless, if glum, command of the music’s complexity. He could sing any instrumental part with exact precision … [He] could instantly hear if a note or a player’s timing was off, and he had no inhibitions about locating the exact source of error.”