The Chicago NBA Stars Who Are Opera Fans

“This season, for the first time, Paul Gasol and Nikola Mirotic both have been starters for the Chicago Bulls. But around town, they’ve become known as something else: the city’s biggest patrons of the arts. Gasol and Mirotic are regulars at the opera house. They have been backstage guests of the symphony orchestra. Officials from the city’s highbrow cultural institutions say they can’t remember professional athletes coming to any of their performances—let alone as many as these Bulls.”

For People With Parkinson’s Disease, Dance Can Bring Back Joy In Movement

“Some small, short-term studies that suggest dance might improve some of those symptoms, especially ease of walking. But Leventhal says the class was never intended as just physical therapy. ‘There’s also an artistic quality,” he says, “where we’re hoping people are able to say something with those gestures.’ This is particularly relevant to people with Parkinson’s, who start to lose their expressive ability.”

New York Gets An Open Studio

“A sense that at any moment Bourgeois might walk through the door is heightened by the atmosphere of bohemian dilapidation: Surely this place is in no shape to be seen by anyone other than its owner. Crude patchwork testifies to the cave-in of a plaster ceiling. A two-burner gas hot plate that fills in for a stove and an ancient television that stands next to a small metal folding chair further the impression of a home not ready to receive company.”