Who Invented Tango? We Both Did, Former Rivals Tell UN.

“For a century, Argentina and Uruguay have duelled over who invented tango, the sultry music and dance synonymous with Latin passion. … At last, however, a truce has been declared. The respective culture ministries of Montevideo and Buenos Aires set aside their rivalry jointly to petition Unesco, the UN’s cultural agency, to grant tango world heritage status.”

Online Sniping Has Art Dealers Fearing For Livelihoods

“As if art dealers weren’t upset enough about falling prices, now there’s short-selling of galleries. Last fall, the How’s My Dealing? blog (which rates gallerists’ treatment of their artists according to anonymous informants) began a gallery ‘DeathWatch’ thread–and dealers are on edge over its retailing of unsubstantiated rumors.”

Trevor Nunn Fears For Straight Theatre In West End

“I am worried as anybody else that, with this massive downturn, people are going to say that what they can cut out of their budget is coming to the West End and going to the theatre. I think it will be a period of time where the populist things are what we rely on, and the more difficult and more serious things will have a lean time for a while. I guess that was exactly the same in the Great Depression and it was a long time before serious work started to come back.”