Oxford Dictionaries Calls Women ‘Shrill’ And ‘Grating’ And ‘Rabid’ – And Will Now Review Its Examples

“The dictionary publisher, part of Oxford University Press, was taken to task by the Canadian anthropologist Michael Oman-Reagan, after he noticed that the word ‘rabid’, defined by the dictionary as ‘having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something’, used the example phrase ‘rabid feminist’. Oman-Reagan tweeted about it to the publisher, suggesting they change it.”

Has The Met Museum Finally Figured Out How To Think About Collecting Contemporary Art?

In the transition period before taking over as director, Tom Campbell gave himself a crash course in contemporary art. He slogged through galleries and art fairs and biennials, studied the auction market, talked with artists and dealers and curators, and concluded that “something extraordinary” was happening. “There was such a level of energy and activity, partly because of globalism, partly because of media and publicity… I felt there was a sort of neo-Renaissance that the Met should be part of.”

What Is Frank Gehry Really About?

“From the beginning, he rebelled against the austerity of modernism, its pitiless Euclidean demands and its contempt for decoration. Even the chain-link fencing, in this view, was a gesture at classical embellishment, his version of the blind niches and capitals and other flourishes that make classical buildings interesting to look at, though they serve no structural purpose.”