Choreographing The Na’vi People In Avatar

Lula Washington: “[Director James Cameron] wanted them to have their own culture and … their own rituals and their own ways of greeting and own ways being intimate with each other and walking and sitting. He said, ‘Well, these characters are eight feet tall, how would they sit?’ So we actually got down on the floor in his office and sat in different positions.”

When Urban Foodies Turn To Yoga

“India has become to American yoga what France is to American cuisine: an ancient source of wisdom to be reinterpreted, democratized and repackaged by its acolytes here.” Much of that reinterpretation is now happening around food: “yogier-than-thou” vegans; the use of bacon as “a yogic teaching tool”; a coach telling her class, “Ssssmell the squassshhhh waaaafting through the air.”

Accidents Happen: The Met’s Picasso Mishap Was Not Unique

There was the Lucian Freud drawing accidentally put through a shredder at Sotheby’s. The Qing dynasty vases shattered by a man who tripped on his shoelaces. The de Chirico painting damaged by a wrecking ball demolishing the house next door. The Impressionist canvases that were carted off with the trash. Says one art insurer, “These are the ‘oops’ claims.”