Is It Safe For David Hallberg To Dance At The Bolshoi?

In the wake of the acid attack on Sergei Filin, and considering the known hostility in some quarters there to a foreigner walking into a gig as principal, “one has to wonder if Mr. Hallberg … might be better off sticking around instead of returning to Moscow as scheduled in June.” Says Hallberg, “I’ve always had an amazingly positive experience at the Bolshoi and in Moscow. I’ve never felt unsafe.”

Steven Soderbergh On His Impending Retirement (He Won’t Be Playing Mah-Jongg)

“It’s a combination of wanting a change personally and of feeling like I’ve hit a wall in my development that I don’t know how to break through. … Just to be clear, I won’t be directing ‘cinema,’ for lack of a better word. But I still plan to direct – theater stuff, and I’d do a TV series if something great were to come along.”

In Praise Of San Francisco Ballet’s Board (They Did It Right)

“The transition after former director Lew Christensen’s death in 1984 was troubled. The trustees took a chance on the inexperienced Tomasson, despite much grumbling in the community. Yet, according to both Tomasson and Ballet Executive Director Glenn McCoy, it has been ever since a happy relationship between the artistic staff, executive wing and occupants of the boardroom.”

Is There Hope For Opera Colorado?

“The financial stumble of Opera Colorado this month – resulting in the abrupt cancellation of the company’s highly touted premiere of The Scarlet Letter – leaves the city with just two major productions for the entire year. Next year, too. The company is still labeling its offerings a ‘season’, but that’s a stretch.”