An Artist Who Followed Her Own Dream

Dora De Larios “singlehandedly willed her career into existence” in the 1950s. “Where others went minimal, she composed rich mosaics of intricate color and form. She created work inspired by pre-Columbian pottery and ancient Japanese funerary sculpture, yet her work felt resolutely Modern. … ‘I really didn’t care what others were making.'”

Moscow Movie Theatre That Dared To Show Censored Movie Is Raided, And The Movie Shut Down

The raid on Friday ended the showings of a British comedy about Stalin. “In a Facebook post, Pioner Cinema wrote that the 2017 film, by the director Armando Iannucci, which had been playing to sold-out crowds, had been pulled as of Saturday ‘due to circumstances beyond our control’ and directed further queries to Russia’s Ministry of Culture, which had quashed it.”

What Will Change For Indie And Oscar-Nomination Powerhouse Fox Searchlight After Disney Buys It?

The co-presidents of Fox Searchlight, winner of three Best Picture Oscars in the last 10 years, seem calm, even sanguine, about the new bosses. They cite “the streaming services that Disney will launch in two years as well as its possible majority ownership of Hulu. New streaming audiences could give Fox Searchlight releases more exposure, while Disney would benefit from more diversified content to populate its new service.”