Sebastian Barry’s Secret Scripture Wins Costa, Just Barely

Sebastian Barry’s “novel The Secret Scripture has its prize, in the form of the £25,000 Costa book of the year award — but only by the very skin of its teeth. In what the chair of the judges, Matthew Parris called ‘an extraordinarily close finish’, the 53-year-old Irish novelist gained the support of five out of the nine judges — with the others supportive of Adam Foulds’s narrative poem The Broken Word, set during the Mau Mau uprising in 1950s Kenya.”

Cashing In On Rose Collection Is Wrong (And Poorly Timed)

“The decision to close the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University and sell off its extraordinary collection smacks of panic. Panic, as everyone knows, is sometimes an appropriate response to reality. But usually it’s not, and, either way, it’s rarely edifying to watch.” Far from expendable, the museum “is the best place to go in the Boston area to see modern and contemporary art of the highest caliber.”

Rose Supporters Seek To Block Brandeis, Save Museum

“Donors and longtime supporters of the Rose Art Museum are exploring whether they can block Brandeis University’s stunning decision to close the museum and sell an art collection that had been valued at $350 million. Jonathan Lee, chairman of the museum’s board of overseers, said yesterday that he intends to meet with officials in the state attorney general’s Public Charity Division to see if there is anything he can do to stop the university from shutting down the 48-year-old museum at the end of the summer.”