A South Park Musical?

“New York Theater Workshop said on Thursday morning that Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park have teamed up with Robert Lopez, the Tony-winning composer of Avenue Q, to create a new musical that will run in August and September. The theater would not provide any other details, other than that it would be a new musical.”

Deaths Of The Rich And Famous (And Why We Love Them)

“When it comes to topics that transfix, death and celebrities are pretty high on the list. Deaths of celebrities has to rate even higher. And deaths of celebrities by their own celebrity hands? A whole other stratosphere. We feel we know these souls so well and, upon hearing of a celebrity suicide, wonder as a collective pop culture-fixated nation what brought them to such a dire final choice.”

Cocktails And Couperin: An Orchestra Plays A Nightclub

“The formal silence and respect associated with classical performances is being thrown out by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. The ‘Night Shift’ performance held at the Roundhouse in London allows the audience to sit and chat, perhaps mingle a little, while Beethoven is played.” Conductor Vladimir Jurowski and two OAE violinists talk about atmosphere, informality, noise levels and other aspects of this experiment.

Ruling: Berlin Museum Can Keep Nazi-Looted Posters

“Berlin’s court of appeals upheld an earlier ruling that Peter Sachs, the son and heir of Hans Sachs, is the rightful owner of the collection, which is valued at 4.5 million euros ($6.3 million). Yet the appeals court overturned a decision that Sachs is entitled to demand the return of the posters,” which are in the Deutsches Historisches Museum.