What Jaap Van Zweden Did In Dallas

The city’s arts community has entered “its 2.0 phase,” says Catherine Cuellar, an official at the Communities Foundation of Texas and former CEO of the Dallas Arts District. The arrival of such energetic figures as van Zweden, 55, credited with transforming the Dallas orchestra into one of the best in the country, and Anderson, 59, who devised ambitious programming and reinstated free general admission at the DMA, proves the arts community has turned a corner, Cuellar said.

Robert Tuggle, 83, Longtime Archivist Of The Metropolitan Opera

In his 34 years in the position, he oversaw the creation of an exhaustive database of the opera house’s entire performance history, “replacing record books and rows of index cards in a windowless subbasement office of the opera house adjoining a storeroom that houses rare documents and costumes. Mr. Tuggle persuaded the Met to make this encyclopedic database available free of charge.”

Alex Ross On Pierre Boulez: A Force For Music

“Boulez fought harder than anyone for the cause of contemporary music, and even those who received his barbs benefitted in one way or another from his energy. No composer of the past hundred years achieved such worldly power: in Paris, IRCAM, the Cité de la Musique, and the new Philharmonie stand as his monuments. In more than one way, he resembled Wagner. He forced you to take sides; his rage was clarifying.”