It’s True: ‘Cats’ Is Becoming The Next ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’

The movie was set to be one of Hollywood’s epic disasters, on track to lose $100 million. “But a funny thing happened on the way to the cinematic scratching post. Word-of-mouth buzz began to build that Cats‘ numerous and not-inconsiderable quirks were, in fact, more fun than the sum of its filmmaker- and studio-intended entertainment value.” Viewers, many assisted by cannabis, “seemed to relish the collective joy of discovering a movie this bizarre in an era when Hollywood has never been more allergic to creative risk-taking. Repeat viewings became de rigueur.” – Vulture

After 88 Years, Frank Lloyd Wright’s School Of Architecture Is Closing

The School of Architecture at Taliesin, which operated at both Wright’s original Taliesin home in Wisconsin and his Taliesin West in Arizona, will cease operations this June. The School’s board had tried, and failed, to complete an agreement with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation that would let it continue as an accredited program. (The Foundation’s press release pointedly stated that “the School did not have a sustainable business model.”) – Archinect

Rare Set Of Banners By Alexander Calder, Long Thought Lost, Reappears In Philadelphia

“Eight colorful banners designed [for the 1976 Bicentennial] by Alexander Calder that were lost for decades, then thought destroyed, and then serendipitously found and displayed for about six weeks a decade ago — only to vanish again from public eye and memory — have been found once again, and will be exhibited permanently in the Parkway Central Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia.” – The Philadelphia Inquirer

The “free range” workplace

When we “go to work” in the arts, we often mean actually going to an official and shared physical workspace. But there’s more and more opportunity and reason to cut the tether altogether — to abandon a shared, physical “home base” for an entirely remote or virtual work network that doesn’t have a street address. – Andrew Taylor